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fat cunt

1. An overweight person who is also rather unpleasant.

2. A large, pink, wobbly vagina.

1. "How's your new boss?" "He's a fat cunt."

2. "My wife weighs 300 pounds." "I bet she's got a fat cunt."

by ktmboy July 25, 2008

35👍 7👎

Miserable bastard

A person who behaves in a selfish, self centred, lazy or miserly way; a killjoy.

Can be strengthened by adding fucking as an adjective: "miserable fucking bastard".

"I asked him to lend me 20 dollars and he told me to fuck off! The miserable bastard!"

"Let's go to the party!"
"I can't be bothered. I want to stay at home and read a book."
"You miserable bastard."

by ktmboy July 25, 2008

34👍 11👎