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shit i will never understand, school is sappose to prepare us for a job, but jobs dont require us to do our work 24/7 just the 6-8 hours we are in work, so how does homework help prepare us for a job? and why do they give us lunch detention for falling asleep in class if the reason we're fallling asleep is because we stayed up till 5 in the morning doing the homework they gave us! and why do math teachers insist that math homework help's us understand math problems more when we can already do any problem in our sleep. i guess the conclusion is teachers (especially middle school teachers) are crazy assholes that are power hungry, and like to pick on kids that are going through tough shit let alone school. its hard enouph for kids having to come home to screaming parents/siblings along with a dog that persists on nawing your leg no matter how many times u push him away, along with the 12 hours of homework that teachers give each night. i guess life's a bitch, and thats all school succeeds in teaching you.

im sappose to be doing my homework right now, but instead im writing definitions on this shit, for things im pist about, i wonder why adults dont understand why the number in teenage suicide has drasticlly increased in the past years.

by kylctwncind May 28, 2009

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