Source Code

Android 19

From the dragonball universe, Android 19 is one of Dr. Gero weaker, but more obedient androids. He is weaker than a super saiyan, and gains energy by absorbing energy attacks, or by holding on to their victims.

Android 19: Do not try to escape. Yes, it is useless. Until I have your energy, I will never let you go.

Said after grabbing Vegeta to steal his energy. His arms are pulled off shortly after.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Wubi is short for "Windows-based UBuntu Installer". It is an official Windows-based software installer for Ubuntu, which makes Ubuntu one of the few Linux OS's that you can install while logged on to Windows. As opposed to booting from the DVD Drive and booting from there.

While I was logged into windows xp, I mounted Ubunto 10.10 on a virtual drive, and ran Wubi, to install Ubuntu and Windows side-by-side.

by kyle.biddle November 21, 2010

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Static IP

And IP Address that does not change. Static IPs are given by certain ISPs, some of them offer both static, and dynamic ips.

My connection has a static IP address, therefor, it does not change when I reboot my modem.

by kyle.biddle January 21, 2011

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One of the major villains from the dragonball universe. He was created by Dr. Gero (later dubbed android 20), and was created to incorporate all the cells of the best fighters in the universe. By weaving all their cells together from each fighter, he is able to inherit their abilities and fighting techniques. Like Frieza, he has the ability to survive anywhere, like Piccolo, he can regenerate his anatomy if his core is not damaged (in his case, one cell is enough to regenerate from), Vegeta's fighting genius, and attitude, Goku's natural aptitude for fighting, and the young but powerful Gohan.

Cell cannot reach his full potential until he absorbs Android 17 and Android 18. Once he does, they are permanently integrated into his design, giving him great power. Once he absorbs them, even if he loses android 17 or 18's body, he is still able to retain his perfect power (prior to exploding) after blowing himself up, leaving one cell he can regenerate from, and giving him a zenkai increase, making his power substantially greater, enough to kill Future Trunks with one blow, and power that rivals that of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Cell holds a tournament called "The Cell Games" after he becomes complete in order to test his new power.

Cell is arguably the villain with the most potential. After he blows himself up out of fear, just after throwing up android 18, making him revert to his semi-perfect form, he has one cell left and regenerates from that cell, making him even more powerful than before because of his saiyan dna. This form is referred to by fans as "Super Perfect Cell". Putting his strength on par with (but not as strong as) super saiyan 2 Gohan. Theoretically he could just keep blowing himself to smithereens over and over again until he is the strongest fighter in the universe, making him no match for even Gohan. But he instead never blows himself up again and opts to return to Earth to face Gohan again with his new power.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

43πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Android 16

One of Dr. Gero's androids. He was created for the sole purpose of eliminating Goku, to take revenge for destroying the Red Ribbon Army when he was a child. Android 16 doesn't respond to commands unrelated to Goku (at first), and will not take orders from anyone. Unlike the other androids, he is purely machine based, and is stronger than the other two androids. He has a powerful nuclear bomb capable of destroying even Cell in his perfect form, however he doesn't get a chance to use it because he had it taken out while Bulma and her father were repairing him.

Android 16 decides to not go along with his mission to destroy Goku, after realizing Dr. Gero was evil. He decides instead to help the other Z fighters destroy cell. He plays a critical role in the Cell saga, after he is blown to smithereens with only his head in tact, he convinces Mr. Satan (Hercle) to throw his head over by where Gohan and Cell are fighting, and convinces Gohan to unleash his hidden powers, by explaining that violence is OK is long is it is used to protect that which you hold most dear. He dies shortly after when Cell crushes his head, pushing Gohan over the edge, transforming into a Super Saiyan 2.

Android 16: You two made too much noise. You scared the birds away.

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A suffix added to describe exploitation films. A shortening of exploitation.

Blaxploitation, actionsploitation

by kyle.biddle December 31, 2011

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The most common video format for electronic multimedia. The extension .avi stands for Audio (and) Video, interleaved.

Most videos come in avi format.

by kyle.biddle February 14, 2011

585πŸ‘ 411πŸ‘Ž