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Goku's (Kakarot, Kakarrot) saiyan brother. He is a first class warrior, presumably making him stronger than "lower-class" saiyans like Tarble and Goku. and makes his first appearance in the first episode of Dragonball Z (DBZ for short). His name is a pun on Radish.

Raditz is a typical saiyan, he's naturally violent in nature, and his evil becomes even more clear as the series goes on. When he shows up, he is the strongest fighter on earth, and non of the Z Warriors had a chance against him alone. However Piccolo and Goku join forces momentarily to help stop him. He meets his end when Goku has him in a hold from behind, and having being weakened by Gohan's earlier attack (a flying, head-on (literally) attack while his power level was 1,370)), he is unable to break free.

As you might have guessed, Goku sacrifices himself to kill Raditz. He is killed with Piccolo's "Special Beam Canon" attack and it goes right through Raditz as well as Goku, killing them both.

Raditz was the first villain to die in the Dragonball Z Series.

by kyle.biddle January 9, 2011

82πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Android 17

From the dragonball universe, Android 17 is Android 18's twin brother. They were created by Dr. Gero to kill Goku, the one responsible for the fall of the Red Ribbon Army, and to make his last creation, Cell, reach his full potential by absorbing them through his tail.

Android 17 and 18 were designed to make Cell perfect.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Dialogue that gives the audience the background of the characters and the present situation.

Writing or speech intended to convey information or to explain, an explanation.

Vegeta provided exposition about his home planet in a flashback.

by kyle.biddle January 16, 2011

87πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

run-on sentence

A sentence that goes on for too long without proper punctuation.

This is an example of a run-on sentence: First I went to my friends house and then we played games for a while then we got something to eat and afterward we jumped on the bed for a while before going to sleep after midnight.

by kyle.biddle January 20, 2011

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Kaioshin (or supreme Kai, in the english dub of DBZ, of the dragonball series), is the supreme overseer of the entire universe, his vision allows him to see any event taking place anywhere in the universe. His "kai kai" technique allows him to teleport to anywhere in the universe regardless of whether or not a ki signature is there.

He can also summon any material in the universe in any shape at will into thin air, he can also read the mind of anyone in the universe. He uses the name "Shen" to enter in the world material arts tournament.

The name 'Kai', refers to an overseer, or ruler, the grand kai, oversees the 4 universal quadrant Kais (north, east, south, and west) and those Kai's watch over their region of the universe.

Kaioshin is not as strong as the saiyans, but he has vast knowledge and unique abilities.

by kyle.biddle December 30, 2011

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A righteous, dead fighter and Goku's opponent in the final round of the Other World Tournament. He belongs to the West quadrant of the universe and is therefor rooted for by West Kai.

He takes down Frieza and King Cold each with one hit and surprised Super Perfect Cell with one as well. In addition to his great strength, and most notably his speed, he has powerful techniques, including "Burning Shoot" (from the PSP game Shin Budokai) that is similar to Goku's Kaioken, in that it provides a brief but incredible boost to energy, speed, and strength.

Pikkon has large rectangular ears, similar to those of Semi-Perfect/Perfect Cell, Pui Pui, and Frieza.

Pikkon is the strongest filler only character in Dragonball Z

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The resulting fusion between Goku and Vegeta. He is the most powerful Z Fighter, next to Vegito, who would be more powerful than him in their regular and super saiyan states, due to the different methods of fusion, his form also only lasts for 30 minutes, and only 10 minutes while in Super saiyan 4.

In Fusion Reborn, Gogeta is not seen as cocky whatsoever when compared to his Super Saiyan 4 form, and eliminates his enemy quickly. As a Super Saiyan 4 however, he acts somewhat similarly to his Potara counterpart Vegito as they both toy around with their respective opponent in order to achieve their true goal.

He is also the only fusion to be dead, as both Goku and Vegeta were deceased when they fused and fought Janemba.

Gogeta is the only Fused Saiyan character (Potara or Fusion Dance) to successfully defeat a villain without the fusion wearing off (he defeats Janemba without even coming close to running out of time).

Gogeta is the only Saiyan fused or otherwise to not be shown with a base form, although when he dies in Buu's Fury like any Super Saiyan who dies, his hair turns black and he also appears there as Veku and a unique skinny Gogeta, both black haired.

by kyle.biddle January 13, 2011

56πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž