From the anime Dragonball Z, Kaioken is the fighting technique taught to Goku (the only one to master this technique) by King Kai. Though King Kai created this technique, he admits that not even he is able to fully master it.
The technique is very similar to going super saiyan, although the power increase is not as high, it is very effective before Goku first transforms. Goku discontinues using the Kaioken attack after his fight with Pikkon, opting instead to attain high super saiyan levels.
The technique only last a few seconds according to Goku so you "have to get the job done quickly". It momentarily greatly increases your speed, strength and abilities, allowing you to achieve a power level unobtainable without the use of this technique.
Through experience and training, the user can achieve multiple 'levels' of Kaioken, increasing the users abilities even further. However, according to King Kai, if you go up too far, your body will not able to handle it, and all the mass in your body will be replaced by energy, thereby making it explode. Goku is able to withstand a 4x Kaioken while fighting Vegeta, (putting his fighting power well over 23,000) in order to counter his Galick Gun attack. However, after this feat his body is thrashed and has no other way of attacking other than using the spirit bomb, another technique exclusive to Goku and King Kai. Cell states that he could use this technique if he wanted to, however.
The Kaioken attack allows you to momentarily take your body far beyond it's natural limits.
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From the dragonball series, during the Buu sagas, it is revealed that Grand Supreme Kai (Dai Kaioshin) was the ruler of the entire universe before being absorbed by Majin Buu. By being absorbed, the Kais good influence weakened Buu rather than strengthening him, as he turned into a childish form, as Goku described it, he was like "A naughty child who didn't know any better".
He gave his life for the East Supreme Kai, who would be later known as simply Supreme Kai, as there were no other supreme Kais after Buu's assault on the Kai planet. Although the title of Grand Supreme Kai was never actually given to West Supreme Kai, due to the other Supreme Kais deaths, he assumed Grand Supreme Kais' job of overseeing the entire universe, and was henceforth referred to only as THE Supreme Kai.
Grand Supreme Kai (Γ₯€§çΒΒΓ§ΒΒΓ§Β₯Β, Dai KaiΓΒ΄shin), or Daikaioh, was the highest of all Supreme Kais and ruled over the entire universe. He is only seen in (Eastern) Supreme Kai's flashback. He lived on the Sacred World of the Kais in Other World, along with the four other Supreme Kais.
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Two separate definitions on Urban Dictionary that mean or say the same things. Mirror Definitions are helpful if you have an alternate spelling of the definition.
Examples of Mirror Definitions: Kakarot, and Kakarrot, DBZ, and Dragonball Z, etc
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a mini-meme originating from The Simpsons, the McBain character is warned to wear goggles to protect him from the acid, however later, he gets trapped in a flood of acid while yelling "MY EYES! THE GOGGLES TO NOTHING". It is often misread/pronounced as "the goggles, they do nothing".
Although the latter may be lulzier, the former is the correct origin of the meme.
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The world martial arts champion from Dragonball, he becomes the champion easily to due none of the z fighters entering the tournament at the time. Android 18 let's him win the final battle in exchange for the prize money and another 10 million zeni.
In the fight between Vegito and Super Buu, Mr. Satan is able to see the fighters while they move and fight, while unable to sense energy, however Gohan, during the Saibaman struggle, could not see the fights until he concentrated on their energy, and not using his eyes. This is another plothole of the series.
Almost every time Mr. Satan has to come to the ring in the World Martial Arts Tournament, he usually ends up hurting himself, then he is forced to lie to the crowd saying that he was kidding around in order to keep his reputation.
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A term coined by Linkara, a comic book reviewer from Channel Awesome. It refers to certain type of bad facial feature in comic books, where Linkara first noticed it in Young Blood's #1.
The eyes on characters are either non-existent or just really poorly drawn in. Young Blood's Disease afflicted millions during the Dark Age of Comics, and even today cases have been known to pop up.
This comic book sucks! Who the hell drew the faces for these characters? They've all got Youngblood's Disease!
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King Kai (or north Kai, Kaio-sama, in the Japanese version), is a character of the dragonball universe. He loves chokes and cracks them frequently throughout the series when the situation calls for it, his jokes are almost entirely puns.
King Kai is one of the four Kais that oversee their part of the universe. The other three being West Kai, East Kai, and South Kai. He is Goku's 3rd Material Arts teacher, and he teaches him the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken techniques.
See also: Grand Kai, Supreme Kai.
King Kai watches over the north quadrant of the universe.
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