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Mercenary Tao

Mercenary Tao is an assassin-for-hire in the dragonball universe. He is almost killed by Goku after receiving his training atop Korin Tower, but is revived as a cyborg, and is able to due so with all the money he received from his job. He is the Crane Hermit (Shen)'s younger brother, and the two of them have a fierce rivalry which drove them apart.

Mercenary Tao: Pleased to kill you.

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Confirmed, checked out by reliable sources and considered to be credible.

After he purchased some merchandise online, the seller's website verified his credit card to make sure it wasn't stolen.

by kyle.biddle October 16, 2011

33πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Son Goku's Saiyan name. The name is a pun on carrot, as is the name of his home planet Vegeta, (vegetable), if you notice, most saiyan names are puns on vegetables. Raditz = Radish, and so on.

Vegeta only refers to Son Goku as Kakarot because (or it as at least implied), that he doesn't recognize Goku has an earthling, because he was born saiyan, and he believes he should take pride in that fact, however Goku thinks otherwise, he wants nothing to do with the saiyans due to their violent and merciless nature, and prides himself on being raised an earthling.

Vegeta: Fight me, Kakarot!

by kyle.biddle December 30, 2011

313πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Dr. Gero

A scientist that works for the Red Ribbon Army. He created Android 16 for the sole purpose of destroying Goku, Android 17 and Android 18 for making Cell perfect, and Android 20 (himself) to make himself immortal. He also creates android 19 to serve him, as he is easier to control than the others. He also created Hell Fighter 17, and subsequently Super Android 17. He is ultimately killed by his creations after threatening to use the emergency suspension controller on 17 and 18. His ultimate achievement is Cell, and it was implied that his original reason for being created was to destroy the entire universe, which he could have done if things had not played out the way the did in the series. He could simply blow himself up every time someone stronger than him appears.

While in his android form, he refers to himself in the third person as to conceal his true identity. Is name is pronounced "Doctor Jero".

Dr. Gero: I cleared the area of innocents, in accordance with your wishes. Do you disagree with my methods?

by kyle.biddle January 12, 2011

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Master Roshi

From the dragonball series, he is a martial arts master and teacher, having only two pupils (The Ox-king, and Grandfather Gohan) before Goku and Krillin. His master is Mutaito, a martial arts master that once saved the world from King Piccolo by sealing him in an electric jar using the Evil Containment Wave (Mafuba in Japanese). He is also referred to as The Turtle Hermit.

That's Master Roshi, the king of martial arts.

by kyle.biddle January 11, 2011

41πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Amount after all deductions (such as taxes). See also gross.

I netted $1482.98 this month.

by kyle.biddle November 16, 2010

48πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Happening after an event has occurred.

Similar: Thereupon

Once I purchased my computer parts from newegg, they emailed me the invoice for them shortly thereafter.

by kyle.biddle December 27, 2011

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž