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Nokulunga is a smart beautiful lady who is ambitious and self motivated and is not afraid to go for anything she wants. She has goodness embedded on her heart and a very beautiful smile

When I grow up I want to be like nokulunga

by ladygrace December 7, 2021


A Dorky Homeschooler. Exudes a different type of aura than a normal person making them easy to spot. Other identifying characteristics include unnecessary dirt on elbows or faces, dresses shaped like flour sacks, and pants or skirts pulled up past the waistline.

Speech of a DH is punctuated by phraseology such as "let's go play" and a general lack of knowledge of slang. Speaker may frequently sniffle, push glasses up on nose, or blink excessively. Any attempt at perverted conversation will only earn you a blank stare.

Be wary of wearing anything that should suggest you have a figure; ladies, this will earn you remarks such as "harlot" "trollop" and "disgraceful"

Is she Amish?" "No, she's just a DH.

by ladygrace October 22, 2010

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