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Generation Z

I copied this definition because it is so accurate. I'm not taking credit for it.

Born 1995-2009. The generation that marched in the streets for the unjust murder of George Floyd, sometimes getting shot at and tear gassed by cops. The generation that got part of its youth taken away by COVID-19. The generation that some graduated without ever getting to have prom, or properly say goodbye to their friends, or be physically in school for months on end. The generation of masks, isolation, and fear. The first generation to see climate change truly screwing over the whole planet. Those of us from Australia and the west coast woke up to blood orange skies, sometimes finding it difficult to breathe. The generation who wonҀ™t take shit from nobody. The generation who got President Trump hiding in his bunker. The generation who will fight for what they fucking believe in, because there is no other choice. We are the generation of 2020.

Generation Z is unlucky enough to be growing up in this shit show.

by lays_chips_are_good October 15, 2020

4πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


2020 sucks. And we're only halfway through. Here's what's happened so far:

Australian fires

Megan and Harry leave the royal family


Kobe and Gianna Bryant's death

Impeachment of President Trump

Harvey Weinstein is convicted

2020 Stock market crash (because of COVID job loss)

George Floyd is killed, protests all over the world

Kim Jong Un death rumors

Bernie Sanders quits his campaign (so we're screwed now)

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest

Murder hornets arrive in the USA (as if it wasn't bad already)

Beirut explosion

Kamala Harris was chosen as Biden's VP candidate

West Coast Wildfires (The sky is LITERALLY ORANGE here)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at age 87

Trump tests positive for COVID 19 (karma lol)

1 million people dead from COVID 19 worldwide

Eddie Van Halen dies

121 degree temperature recorded in Los Angeles

Fires in Siberia, The Amazon, Africa, and more. Pretty much everywhere.

People are going crazy in lockdown. My family has been strictly locked down for almost 8 months now.

So, if you haven't noticed already, 2020 fucking sucks. But at least we got a few memes out of it.

*Sarcastic laughter intensifies*

2020 feels like the end of the world. Maybe it is. Who knows. Fuck this. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when 2020 ends.

by lays_chips_are_good October 15, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Nkunfuzzzled is when you are so confused and puzzled that you forget how to spell confused of puzzled.

Bob: Hey man, what's the answer to #5?
Joe: I dunno. I'm just as nkunfuzzzled as you are.

by lays_chips_are_good September 3, 2020