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whoa whoa whoa

1. when said with a confused facial expression: signifies a reaction of discontent, utter confusion, or shock to a statment made

2. when last whoa is elongated: expresses opposition to a previous remark, and implies a call for debate on the topic

3. often used as a response filler before attempting to calm an individual down

A: "so then she said she wanted to tie me up before she--"
B: "whoa whoa whoa, can we NOT talk about that?"

A: "Just because NorCal is better than SoCal"
B: "whoa whoa whoooooaaa, excuse you"

A: "I think you're lying, you can't be Indian"
B: "whoa whoa whoa, calm down there buddy"

by leeeessah November 16, 2006

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