Poppy loves teddy ... a bit too much sometimes if you ask me.
Little homewrecker and she knows it and does it on purpose because she has no dignity or self esteem.
She laughs at very disrespectful things and everyone hates her.
If you ever meet Poppy Mae Bradley STAY AWAY before she steals your boyfriend and if you single don't say anything about sewer slide to her because she will find it really funny.
She does cheerleading and thinks she's so cool and shows off so much so I would just steer clear any chance you get.
Oh we should get Poppy Mae Bradley that teddy she would love it so much
Property Of Isobel
George is a very kind boy who isn't afraid to say I love you to people...
He is really sweet and nice and funny but most of the stuff funny about him is just basically how dumb and bad at spelling he is.
He is a great and semi loyal boyfriend but he does like to message many other girls which is a bit of a red flag so be careful there.
Overall a great boy but he really needs to get his priorities (and his spelling) sorted out.
One Friend: "He told me he loved me last night"
Other Friend: "Awww what a George Bonner"