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Gorilla Channel

Invented by twitter user @pixelatedboat as a fake quote from the book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House " by Michael Wolff. The quote explained how in his first day in office Trump complained to White House aides that the TV in his bedroom was broken because it didn't have the gorilla channel, which Trump thought existed and only screened gorilla content 24 hours a day. So they edited many gorilla based documentaries together to appease him.

Besides it was clearly meant as satire many people took it by heart.

To watch the gorilla channel

1. Take an obvious joke as totally real

Joe- Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eat nine!
David- Why would six be afraid of anything? Numbers have no feelings.
Billy- Dude, it's a joke
Joe- Don't sweat it, he's watching the gorilla channel

by lenincarabajal January 6, 2018