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A provider of Infrastructure and Oil Services. Used by the Clinton Administration extensively during the 1990's as well as by the Bush adminstration in the 2000's, most notably by providing laundry and meal services to brave troops serving in Iraq.

An excellent company to invest in. Stock price has tripled in three years. Recent two for one stock split.

If unemployed libs dumped their life savings into halliburton three years ago, they'd have tripled their money and could afford to move out of their parent's home.

by leo cuban July 26, 2006

81πŸ‘ 259πŸ‘Ž


A missing link between apes and humans. Usually found at ski resorts with a snowboard attached to their leg.

Although they are slightly more cultured than the Snow- Magnon, they have limited common sense, poor vocabulary and and even worse sense of balance, especially when conditions are icy.

During powder conditions, the Powderificai (plural) are known to scrape all of the fresh snow off of the mountain, while giving their mating call that sounds like the words "Plenty of snow for everyone."

I was standing in the liftline at Killington and this Powderifacus took out the whole liftline like a bowling bowl taking out ten pins. Later on I saw this same Powderifacus dipping his dirty pinky in the salsa at the restaurant.

by leo cuban December 15, 2010

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

W's brain

W's brain is the collection of neoconreps, Darth Vadar types, et. al. that President George W. Bush surrounds himself with since in the mind of some left-wing types he can't do any of his own thinking.

This is disturbing since W scored higher on an IQ test than his last challenger John Kerry.

Karl Rove is considered the central processing unit of W's brain, along with Dick Cheney and Condelezza Rice.

Kerry was crushed in the 2004 debates by the "Boy King" because W's brain was in the audience with cue cards feeding him his lines.

by leo cuban August 1, 2006

20πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


A Pseudoname for the city of Bridgeport.

Coined by a Stamfordite by the name of Peter "Cellars" Davies to describe a Fairfield county city, that despite millions of dollars of state funding, can never elevate itself from a crime-ridden cesspool of humanity.

Currenty has the highest per capita number of crack addicts in the state, and a higher murder rate than that of Baghdad, Iraq.

I was looking to buy property in connecticut. I looked at blightport but a red flag immediately went up when I saw the listings for 2 br condos in crapport averaged $35,000.

by leo cuban September 8, 2007

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

yellow cake kambic

A person who has a obsessive compulsive need to find yellow cake uranium in foreign countries before invading them and stealing their oil.

I was watching CNN last night and this yellow cake kambic guy came on saying that there was only 5 tons of uranium in Iraq but no yellow cake was found.

I say, give him a twinkie and his yellow cake craving will be extinguished.

by leo cuban August 4, 2006

21πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

boy king

The code word for President George W. Bush by communists, wacked out liberals, femi-nazis, baby killers, kum-bye-ya appeasers, enviro-kooks and the like.

Because he is born into wealth (unlike John Kerry) he is considered king tut like in the American Empire.

Usually becomes such an obsession, users of phrase become compulsive to the point where they become terrorist supporters, quit bathing & socializing, and become CNN buzzword spouting automatons.

That boy king is really screwing up the country, Rrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Cheney, Darth vadar....Halliburton....Boy KING!!! Rrrrrr!!!!.......

by leo cuban July 26, 2006

26πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

throwing star

Multi-pointed metallic throwing weapon used by martial artists. Mainly used by Ninjitsu it is also used by practitioners of other styles. Small and discreet, can be carried in pocket. Can be laced with poison for quick killing.

This idiot broke into my house last night. After giving him a groin kick and a backfist he staggered off my front porch. I broke out the throwing star and gave him a going away present in his butt.

by leo cuban August 3, 2006

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž