Source Code


Booty call code for 'sex tonight.'

"You want 629? I want 629. Let's have 629."

by lethikim1990 March 20, 2012

102👍 129👎

Pronto Toronto

A Canadian slang command for getting tasks done quickly.

Origins: This phrase may have originated from the Canadian television show, Being Erica.

"I need this faxed to the Associate Director, Pronto Toronto!"

by lethikim1990 October 10, 2011

18👍 14👎

Oh my Gautama!

An exclamation of surprise used by Buddhists. Equivalent to, "Oh my God!"

Oh my Gautama!

Oh my Gautama, what the heck happened?!

by lethikim1990 March 25, 2011

9👍 3👎

Sweet Siddhartha!

An exclamation of surprise used by buddhists. Equivalent to "Sweet mother of God!" or "Sweet baby Jesus!"

Sweet Siddhartha!

Sweet Siddhartha, look at the asymptote on that mother function!

Sweet Siddhartha, what did you do?!

by lethikim1990 March 25, 2011

7👍 1👎