When a concept is pure, you'll know. It will be refined, and well-rounded. Free and devoid of flaws, but not sterile or insincere. It will feel balanced, and like it always was, even though someone painstakingly worked away for hours on end on the computer to make it possible. When you see a purified concept, you'll know that's what it is, and you'll only know what a purified concept is when you'll see one.
While not used very often, "purified concept" , the term is mostly referenced on the Internet, generally in reference to shopping centres, and Swedish products.
To be perfectly preoccupied, means to be in a state where everything in your life needs all your needs, wants, desires and all the very necessary in-betweens of these things. It means you have everything you want in life. You might be incredibly busy, you might even be tired or find life stressful, but you couldn't be more content because you have everything that truly meets your needs, and doesn't provide you with too much or too little.
For example, some people might very much like to indulge in movies for extended lengths of time. They may choose movies that fill them with the absolute most possible excitement, and in doing so actually make them uncomfortable, due to being in human nature, this is something that was largely difficult to achieve before modern technology. Fortunately or unfortunately, this is not the meaning of this term.
It is more so used to describe a genuine state of contentment. For example, you may struggle with your job, but somehow miraculously manage to achieve any and every single goal you've set out to achieve, albeit how unrealistic you thought it would be to do so. Not only that, but you also managed to file your tax nobody would help you with, had your favourite meal, saw your friends, and are at a point in life where everything is meticulously organised. For some, this may be the definition of this term. For others it may be something of a similar nature.
Person working in Restaurant: Hey, how's your day going?
Customer: Well, perfectly preoccupied to be honest. Keeping myself busy, and very much so looking forward to eating at your fine dining establishment!
Person working in Restaruant: Well, gee's. I'm flustered. What will it be for today?