when you want someone to get the heck out of your life and to go away
"Aotch! I hate you!"
when someone by the name of tom or tyler ask you to go to the movies you say this word
hot guy at st.albans who is a master pimp. Is blonde but doesnt(usually)act like one. knows all drugs but doesnt take them...known to wear polos especially pink ones that are hott..has friend mike who doesnt think he can live up to his full pimping potential.
boy1:dude lets go pick up some girls
boy2:we need wolf to coach us he is a master pimp
13π 71π
An homosexual ; a man who engages as the active partner in anal sex with another man. From "jobby" (faecal solid) + "jab" (to prong or spear). It should be noted that some may consider this term offensive - it is favoured by homophobes due to its low potential for "re-appropriation" by the homosexual community (see example).
Gay Pride celebration ; Queer Pride celebration ; Jobby-jabber Pride celebration.
43π 9π
A person who feels there is a difference between rap and hip-hop believing rap is defined as ghetto music for thugs who love b'tches, hoes, and excessive jewerly. At a hip-hop event one can be spotted by the REI or Jansport backpack worn with one too many support straps, khaki's, adidas or pumas, a hoodie, headphones and hat of some sort.
Everytime I go to a Common concert I see mostly backpackers.
31π 57π
Forget the geeky, we're faster / no we're faster nonsense. Anyone who has followed the parallel development over the last 15 years knows that it goes - Mac pushes in front / PC pushes in front / Mac pushes in front / PC pushes in front / Mac goes 64 -bit / PC goes 64-bit etc etc - swings & roundabouts.
The definition which is consistently accurate over time is this :
Apple computers are the ones used by people who, in their own perception, rightly or wrongly, for richer or poorer, are more reluctant to suck the dick of the Man.
Apple User : I, in my own perception, rightly or wrongly, for richer or poorer, remain reluctant to suck the dick of the Man.
PC User : Yeah sure, but right now I have a 7 TeraWhops DellCompaqIntelProtard, which kick ass l337 & compatible with all teh other 100 million (gobble) DellCompaqAMDProtard 7 FiloWhops (slurp) so u r 5u><0r (dribble) & i5 477 teh same culur /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\(glug glug glug)
The Man : Shut it bitch n keep chuggin.
21π 32π
Verb: To rock, (not cook crack cocaine, or any other meltable drug powder into solid-rock-like-balls-of-chemicals, but to play rock music, head bang, drink a lot of Jack Daniels and sleep with at least three groupies at once, scream really loud at the top of one's voice while other people slam their instruments in a rhythmic fashion and call it 'rock music', basically be really cool.). Present tense.
He/She/That Dude/That Chick rocks! *head bangs*
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