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Olivia is the name of a girl who thinks she's all that, tries to be athletic but just plain fails, and says "I wanna Kill Myself!" And gets all of the attention that she will ever want.

Kelsey: have you met Olivia?

Katya: Yea, she's horrible. Whenever we are in a serious situation, she steels all of the attention for herself by saying that everyone wants her to die and doesn't like her. Omg just live yo life Olivia! Nobody Cares! We all know she fake cries.

Kelsey: true dat, Queen!

by lgnfire_xoxo561 November 28, 2015

7👍 38👎


I licking love you so much. Abbreviation for when you don't really give a crap at all, but you want to make it seem like you do.

Cara: *15 paragraph long b day shoutout on insta*
Olivia: OMG!!! ILLYSM!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕

by lgnfire_xoxo561 March 6, 2016

10👍 6👎