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Colin is a kid who walks into the room and takes it over, no doubt he's a natural born leader. He radiates big dick energy which is more than enough to pull the hottest of women out there - I definitely see a milf or two in his future-.

He has big dreams, achievable goals and an outline of who he wants to continue to grow into. Colin is easy to be comfortable around which is going to make every memory with him hard to forget... so goodluck charlie xox

You'd think he'd be just like every other guy but he's surprisingly unique, however he is sucha doofus at the same time- you'll definitely roll your eyes so much they might get stuck.

- If Colin was an alcoholic beverage he'd be a pink sangria, he'll get you really fucked up but tastes soooo good.

- Colin won't beer bong but will eat ass

by lilpumpkinnn March 2, 2022