Source Code

Attack helicopter

Attack helicopter is a gender you use when you're not funny and you dont understand what gender is.

Bigot 1: i IdEnTiFy As A AtTaCk HeLiCoPtEr xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxddxdxd you may laugh now, i said funni please i need internet points to reasure that im funny, that trans people bad, two genders xdxdxd, guys please give gold i need it

Bigot 2: OMG so funni xdxdxdxdxdxd, gilded

Normal person: One Joke...

by linkdeadjr March 8, 2020

166👍 1225👎


Despite making 0.13% of the population Gamers made 53% of the racial slurs

Synonymous of Incel

Gamer 1: Two gender

Gamer 2: haha this is so funny omg i almost spit out my venti carmel frappuccino with non fat coconut milk exactly 2 1/2 cups of sugar with 4 chocolate drizzles, 6 1/2 pump of caramel drizzle, 3 expresso shots mixed in, extra whip cream, as well as birthday cake pop mixed in with a bit of strawberries on top, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, pump of vanilla, one pump of hazelnut, banana slices mixed in, chocolate shavings coating the bottom, cinnamon dolce and just a pinch of matcha powder

by linkdeadjr March 8, 2020

1👍 2👎