A series of men circle jerking the "clitoris maximus" after realizing they had actually run into their friend from high school.
Guy 1: Bruhh, is that Eureka?
Guy 2: Down, don't you recognize your friend from high school?
Guy 1: Oh shit I guess I have to do the Circus Maximus.
Historically, about 35 years ago, He Xi was brought to Earth through a compromised government account that attempted to secure project "Sorry." This attempt, although half-assed, made a regimented beginning to the understanding of anatomical male science. In response to He Xi's interest in agricultural businesses, "He does not want to be normal or take drugs" was a protest hymn that is understood to be the catalyst of widespread trends in green grass calving practices. Noted horticulturist Syu Ju Wen also expanded on this novelty by writing the preeminent literature piece, 'Prepartum Maternal Behavior of Domesticated Cattle' about the impact He Xi has had on the Ankole-Watusi breed, which is amongst the most striking members of the bovine kingdom. This led He Xi to become an expert on legal matters concerning obesity as a gardening practice for the Shoebill bird beak, which looks like a wooden Dutch clog and is likened to He Xi's genealogical appearance.
"He is a He" is the second known protest hymn that evolved around the year 2009âdefined as an undefined gender barrier-breaking legal entity that does not discriminate against anybody's musical taste. A He Xi moves the mountains and the waves of the ocean with spectacular dance moves that evoke dominant male cow energy. He makes not only you but us women. He is sooooooo good. A He Xi is neither he nor she but chooses to be defined as the pronoun "he."
Guy 1: Bruhh, What is the ugliest bird?
Guy 2: Fuck man, I heard it is a Shoebill that resembles a Dutch clog.
Guy 3: Wowzahh, that's so He Xi.
Girl 2: Being overweight means you're less likely to develop dementia.
A tiny dog that lives in the city and makes high pitches noises but loves to cuddle and go on long walks by the beach.
Guy 1: What was that noise over ther?
Girl 1: Aww, that was Mimi Love. Be careful and make sure Mimi is happy.
Guy 2: Very cute. Very cute. Cuddable.
It literally translates to bottom barrel lowest, level slut in French. Spelled traînée in French.
Guy 1: That's a Trinay!
Girl 1: Je suis, je'taime... traînée...