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A Flake is someone who can think of any excuse not to show up to an event. They usually have little or no friends because they never show up to hang out. they are fuckin cunts on wheels who will bail on you at the last minute so they can just sit on thier fat ass an rub one out. Abondon all hope of ever being good friends with a flake. They cause nothing but anger an wasted money on gas an beers.

A Flake may call at the last minute to tell you he or she will not be attending the event or most of the time they wont call at all leaving you sitting there by yourself, looking like a real jerk off. They rarely, if ever admit to being a flake an usually stick to thier excuse that they had something more important to do.

Drew: "Hey are you still down to go to Vegas?!?"

Garrett: "Naw dude I cant, I got a paper to write"

Drew: "BUT ITS SPRING BREAK! Youre such a fuckin flake!"

by llegoz October 16, 2009

118👍 53👎

Beer Jew

Someone who goes around looking for the cheapest beer no matter how shitty it taste. They generally brag about how they found a place that sells beers on tap for 75 cents in some hick town with a population of 9.

They refuse to share beers usually stating, "Im dont wanna sick dude!" An also dont wanna even set foot in a bar until happy hour.

They also get frustrated when you or a homie buys a nice type of beer or god forbid, a cocktail.

Example 1

Brando: "Yeah can I get a newcastle please"

Oscar: "DUDE! Dont get that. get a highlife. thier on happy hour an its a buck! cant beat that!"

Example 2

Garrett: "Hey man, last night I was at this place that sells microbrews on tap, ok, MICROBREWS! 55 CENTS! I go sooo drunk an my bill was like 11 bucks. HAHAHAAHA"

Phil: "Dont be such a beer jew, that shit was probably just water with rubbing alcohol."

by llegoz October 16, 2009

5👍 11👎


The most important abbreviation in the military. EAS Stands for End of Active Service. pretty much means you are out of the military (Unless you get recalled).

Brando: I cant wait to fuckin EAS an get out of this shitty ass place

Kline: Yea dude once you EAS you dont have to shave everday, get up at 5am, hurry up an wait, get a haircut every week, get yelled at for stupid shit.

by llegoz October 30, 2009

64👍 37👎


Someone who lives a very very dull boring an shitty life that they make up stories to make themselfs sound like anyone other than the boring ass fuck face that they are.

They are usually HUGE HUGE flakes which is why they are bullshitters in the first place. They never go out because they flake which leads to them having no friends an sitting at home all day jerking off to pictures of fat girls. Before they know whats happened, they have no intresting stories to tell or relate to. Thus causing them to spew the stupidest an fuckin biggest lies EVER!

They are in reality total pussies an even worse, bad story tellers. even with the lies they spew, the story goes no where an has no climax

They NEVER admit to lying or bullshitting even though 99% of the stories they tell contradict or make absolutely no sense what so ever. A bullshitter can be spotted easily because he will interupt with his horrible lie of a story an its very obvious from the start that its nothing close to the truth.

Its a complete waste of your mother fucking time to even look at these people. Mostly because they will never admit to lying, they will just spew out more bullshit to cover the orginal bullshit. a very good example of a bullshitter is Garrett "Winslow" Dutton

Jon: "yeah man, we were almost ready to throw down right there but.....

Garrett: "DUDE! This one night I was at this party, crazy party like 500 people there, people are hanging off the celing fans an shit. Anyways, this guys just talking shit making up stories an im getting sick of it, so I just punch the guy in the face. Cops come an just let me go. I was soooo hammered, had like 29 beers"

Jon: "AHHHH DUDE, BULLSHIT!!! youre such a fuckin bullshitter, go fuck your mother!"

by llegoz October 16, 2009

37👍 9👎

Server Queen

A Girl who thinks she is the BESTEST server in the WORLD! Generally these broads are in thier late 20's or early 30's an are still serving tables but they think that thier best server to walk the planet. Which explains why thier working at some PF Changs or Johnny Carino's

They are midly good looking, Chatty Cathys even with thier tables an can be overheard discussing life stories with tables. Also love to brag about how much they made. They will throw a fit if they have to do anything outside of serving a table. They ONLY work night shifts because a day shift would be a waste of time.

In reality these people have done jack shit with thier life an never will. They have bad wrists an bad backs from carrying heavy ass trays all night an on top of that, THEY ARE GOD AWFUL SERVERS!

Eric: "Hey dude, how come Kimberly never works days? An why does she always get the big parties!?"

Tony: "Shes a server queen dawg, she throws a fit if she doesnt get what she wants"

by llegoz October 16, 2009

3👍 4👎

Myspace Stalker

Someone who spends all day lookin an obsessing over your myspace. You may barely know this person but they know everything about you. Including where your going for the weekend, what you did the other night, why you werent in class yesterday. They even start to stalk your girlfriends on myspace due to jealousy.

They dont usually add you because they arent brave enough too because they have poor social skills an suck balls.

They usually have your myspace set as their homepage an may even check it on thier iphone or blackberry or via other portable device.

Matt: " So this girl I barely know in class somehow knew I was at Pechanga the other night. Its weird!"

Tyler: " maybe shes a myspace stalker dude, set your shit to private an lock your doors"

by llegoz October 16, 2009

3👍 1👎


A Grunt in the US Marines who carries a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) AKA Machine Gun

The worst job in the whole goddamn military. You run around an go on long humps (HIKES) in full gear an you also have to lug around a machine gun that takes forever to clean an almost never works when you need it, because the Marine Corp cant provide proper lubrication for your weapon so it does nothing but jam.

Of Course Everybody in your squad who isnt an 0331 wants to use your machine gun, an make videos of it. but they dont wanna clean it.

Jose: "So whats your MOS in the Marines dude."

Brando: "Im an 0331, Im a machine gunner."


Brando: "NAW!! Its horrible. It takes 5 hours to clean an every round I shoot equal 2 hours of police calling!"

by llegoz October 16, 2009

38👍 186👎