Qitzikwaka is a made up Sub-Saharan country made by the Youtube channel. Geography Now on April fools, this is supposedly an underground country and was founded by Russian Buddhist monk's (Crazy, I know). Qitzikwaka has not been in any war's and was not colonized from what my only source tells me. In other words, it is just a joke like Limberwisk
Qitzikwaka is so cool
Dude... Its not real
YES IT IS! (Crying as he eats chocolate)
Where I am from, Saddam wasn't that bad tho :( And its Eraq and IRAK
Iraq deserves some recognition-
1👍 1👎
History is the past era of a event that occurred such as:
1) The history behind my family
2) The history of the world
3) Don't look at my search history
A youtube channel based on educating the geography of every country (UN recognized) in the world
Yo! Geography NOW! is dope
Yeah it is pretty cool I guess
Aussie 1: Ey mate, wanna go visit a pub?
Aussie 1: Ah, so wanna go?
Aussie 2: ...Yes
a European based country in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it is internationally recognized as a fully soveirgn country, it is part of the EU since 2004 and its history is so incredibly interesting. With Malta, believe it or not. Colonizing some land in the Caribbean. Also with its amazing history, its FULL of historical landmarks and game of thrones was shot here and the capital city of Valletta is made FULLY of limestone
Ey bro did you visit Malta?
Yeah! It has dope WWII and crusade museums