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the president in the series orange is the new black

Obama isnt president any more lets vote trump orange is the new black

by lolol896 December 23, 2016

8👍 1185👎

Yandere Simulator

the game that anybody or phyco can play and its very satisfying

lets play Yandere Simulator i want to kill some bitches

by lolol896 December 23, 2016

98👍 55👎


a sexy beast

i want to be like Laten

by lolol896 June 28, 2017


i have no idea what fhwqwgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf means

fhwqwgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf sake

by lolol896 December 19, 2016

3👍 2👎


a word that confuses people.

it looks like a bunch of random words

Eyjafjallajökull wtf does that mean

by lolol896 December 20, 2016