A word created by Kamio Misuzu (female protagonist of Key's adventure game AIR), supposedly to immitate the sound that dinosoars make but comes closer to imitating the sound of a baby chick. May or may not induce a smack on the head by Yukito (male protagonist of Key's adventure game AIR). She normally says it when she's upset, confused, or generally in trouble. If you ever run into someone who uses this word as part of their common speech in real life, it is best to give them a quick thwap on the head as soon as possible.
Misuzu: Let's play cards!
Yukito: No.
Misuzu: Gao~
Yukito: 321THWAP!
Misuzu: My head... Gao~
Yukito: 321THWAP!
Misuzu: My head... Gao~
You get the idea.
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