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this is a special very alcoholic drink made from every spirit that u have in ur cupbords and cut with a beer and it is drunk just b4 entering a club - makes u very very drunk, come out with random stuff, puke every where, cry to ur m8z for being so pissed and to not be able to make it up the stairs with a full glass of drink with it being still full once ur at the top.

jeese that webrewski is fucking mad arse

by lou_la_belle December 6, 2004

1👍 1👎



dude that lession was fuckin welsh
this weekend is gonna be welsh

by lou_la_belle December 16, 2004

86👍 161👎


a word describing a gild named Sam ashford or any sams in the whole world

that sam is a total skrag

by lou_la_belle December 7, 2004

4👍 30👎


Buff-Ting is a guy who is very fit, goodlooking, hot, fuckable and gorgous all in one.

claire look at him....he is Buff-Ting

by lou_la_belle December 6, 2004

10👍 12👎


the fucking horniest and kinkiest guy ive eva cum across!!!

room for 2 in that shirt?

by lou_la_belle December 7, 2004

43👍 32👎

busted at bustlins

this means to be caught fucking your man/bird on holiday - this could also involve drunk peeps and a video camera!

oooo u were busted at bustlins

by lou_la_belle December 6, 2004