Mental hospital dupe is a gc on instagram that brought together the most iconic arianators on stan twt.
participants are, edelinn (lovinagbg), mel (luhvxari), courtney (everyxtimes), fiora (fiora_betteroff), laya (evryt1m3), ju (jusavenue), mia (needyforleclerc), juaan (juaangng_), manu (intocloud), val (wildin_val), ben (333POSITIONS), ian (offthetablestan), brandon (arianas_p_o_v), sam (AG7yuh), daan (gwsdaan), jenny (nvstygrnde), khalid (mottivve), sep (Wandaxwiccan), kai (Natashasfather), noah (bloodlineprint), akha (grandes_pov), yanis (ts_betteroff), rosa (idontwantyu), nick (ItsNicckBitch) and miguel (nstyctrl).
This gc works together to end all ariana antis and promote/stream her music (and nickis ofc). They also play fun games together and bully eachother!
Of course.. all gcs have some whales.. like anne (PRETTYBAWBIE).
Overall this gc is a must to exist for twitter to function!
(stream positions!)
mental hospital dupe is the best gc to exist ð
16👍 1👎