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Feminism isn't just about improving the lives of women but also end not needed gender stereotypes. Real Feminism is still needed today. Feminists are a group of usually women that believe men are not born rapists, sexists, predators, or racist, but taught. We believe men can change and there is nothing wrong with the other gender. We strongly believe in don't let one apple ruin the whole orchard.

To all the people who say feminism isn't needed today you are wrong. Feminism today is ending the sexist strict dress codes that schools enforce today.

We don't use lies to shame the other gender but use true events to bring light of what people have done.

We don't deprive children of a relationship with their father.

We can do wrong. We know that. We also know everything a man does is not wrong. Men can do good things and that's okay. Fake feminists might call this toxic masculinity.

If we had our way men wouldn't be treated like shit but with respect and as would women.

We don't take Chivalry as a personal insult.

We believe domestic violence can happen on both ends as does rape.

person: All feminists are sexist.
Feminist: Oh really since when has feminism been sexist we're the ones trying to improve life on all ends!

by lowkeydonewithlife January 2, 2020

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