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A derogatory term in Southwest Washington State for a group of people who share similar qualities.

You might be a dirty if you share some of these characteristics:
*The majority of your clothes are from Hot Topic.
*Your clothes reek of cigarettes.

*You have a poor complexion and smell bad.
*Your hairstyle is dated and your hair is greasy.
*You accessorize yourself with jewelry purchased from a 50 cent coin toy dispenser.
*Dragons and flames are images commonly found on your clothing.

*You are a fan of Korn, Limp Bizkit, and ICP.
*You own cheap ninja weapons.
*You play D&D and have lengthy conversations about it even when you are not playing it.
*You are a fan of Professional Wrestling, and think The Undertaker is punk rock.

"Yo, look at that Dirty wearing the Korn shirt, doesn't he know they went out of style like 10 years ago."

by ludacris815 November 14, 2011

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