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MÃ¥neskin is a very hot italian Band.
They won Sanremo and ESC (very proud of them)
Damiano David-Victoria De Angelis-Ethan Torchio-Thomas Raggi

Person 1: MÃ¥neskin is so hot!
Me: I know right!

by måneskinsimp November 28, 2021

Norris Nuts

A group of kids on Youtube that make Videos.
They have almost reached 6m Subscibers even though they don't ask you to subscribe<3
Their fandom is called #LEGENDS, and the norris nuts adore them like family! They have a signature move called "catch me knuckles" which they do at the end of a video or when meeting a legend!

Random: Are you a #LEGEND ?
Me: yes why?
Random: i love the norris nuts! Catch me knuckles <3

by måneskinsimp December 29, 2022

4👍 3👎