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A Hossmoindianen, is a person that is often found in gay bars or hanging around outside boys schools, and tend to lead a lonely dull life often on computer games and trying to get small girls laid. Most hossmoindianer tend to prefer womens clothing.

Hey dude, have you heard of that guy Hossmoindianen?
- Yeah hes a real lowlifer

by m00 December 14, 2003

2👍 6👎

MC Hammer

To have sex with a woman during her menstrual cycle, hence the name. M (enstrual) C (ycle) Hammer (well, duh, i hope i don't need to explain this one)

He figured it was all right to give her an MC Hammer in the jacuzzi.

by m00 November 16, 2004

66👍 79👎