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a dark sinister phrase uttered when something goes your way. A play on words with the religious "hallelujah". Best when used around religious zealots.

Aww hellelujah, there is one beer left!

by macchina January 18, 2008

11👍 5👎


A derogatory name for a Starbucks employee or Starbucks junky.
Coined from how they make you order a double espresso.

Julie is such a doppio.

by macchina January 16, 2008

38👍 43👎

portafilter sneeze

When making a shot of espresso, one tries to remove the portafilter while pressure is still being applied to the coffee. The resulting expulsion of pressure causes hot water, coffee, and coffee grounds to shoot out in multiple directions. Mimicking a sneeze.

I got blasted by a portafilter sneeze today at work.

by macchina January 16, 2008