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one who resides in the Kensington section of Philadelphia who lacks class, often overly proud of being Irish and donning adidas sandals with socks.

most common hairstyle among the females can be distinguished by over-use of hairspray to create "curls".

Typically have multiple children by different partners in the neighborhood and are known for substance abuse, often supported by welfare.

Known for their love of drama and lack of knowledge. Many have not attended school, let alone have obtained a GED.

"Look at that kenzo with no teeth rolling a blunt with their baby in a stroller next to them."

"Wow, I wish that kenzo would stop trying to show me his jailhouse tattoos."

"You belong with those other kenzos on K&A." (Kensington and Alleghey Avenues in Philadelphia, where many drugs and prostitutes float around)

by maceyoface November 15, 2010

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