Abbie is a hard working, loving mother who does what she can. She puts other before herself, and is loyal to her child. She gets him what he wants when he wants it, even if it is not the right time. She should be everyoneâs mother, because everyone should get a chance to love her. Sometimes her child, Kellen, makes a mistake that he regrets, and doesnât get the chance to say sorry. So Abbie is a incomparable person who every one should get the chance of meeting. Love u mom
Abbie, I love you!!
Abbie is a hard working, positive mother who does what she can. She will get past any obstacle that comes her way, and any road block that she does across. She will Do what ever it takes for her child, Kellen. She will put others before herself, even where she shouldnât. Sometimes her child acts up when he should have, and he did t get the chance to say sorry. Iâm sorry mom, luv u
Abbie, love u !!