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what you text someone when you don’t want to type out the word periodt.

girl: omg she is so mean I’m tired of her

other girl: .t !

by maddieb543 January 18, 2020

6👍 6👎

Granola Girl

A totally obnoxious type of girl who’s only personality trait is being a vegan hippie. Would be seen in a mismatched outfit with messy hair and no makeup. Their natural habitat is Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods and likes to take hikes.

Girl #1: What is Jessica wearing?
Girl #2: She’s a granola girl, she doesn’t know how to dress.

by maddieb543 January 19, 2020

49👍 206👎


A person who is a total mess, but 2x the mess. Never knows how to act and is completely goofy and out of the system. Usually a slob and needs to check themselves before they reck themselves.

My room’s a mess, I lost my job and my girlfriend just broke up with me. I’m such a Unibrow

by maddieb543 January 19, 2020

12👍 9👎