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with all due respect

A statement that when you hear you know your reply should be FUCK YOU!

Tom: With all due respect, I don't fancy you..I only fancy hot women.
Sheila: With all due respect, fuck you!

by madsb October 31, 2009

127👍 57👎


A snob is someone who thinks they've got better taste than others in most things; especially in music, film and books.

Snobs of this kind, frown upon bestsellers, blockbusters, and pop music. They regard themselves intellectuals and think of people who follow the crowd as philistines.

Matt: Hey man, I'm going to the flicks tonight with Emma and a couple of her work friends, wanna come?

Giles: What are you watching?

Matt: A Night At The Museum.

Giles: Nope, thanks. I couldn't sit for two hours watching crap.

Matt: Suit yourself snob!

by madsb October 23, 2009

224👍 126👎

bro and sack

An American fraternal term for a guys' night where they do guy things like drinking beer and talking about girls.

Madeleine: Hey Paul, wanna come over? We can cook and watch a film.

Paul: Hey, sorry can't. It looks like a bro and sack night with my house mates tonight.

by madsb October 24, 2009

22👍 9👎