Taken from the internet / texting phrase " JEJEJEJEEJEJE " which states an act of laughing replaced with J because in other countries, J is pronounced as H. ( heheheheheheh )
Mon was is taken from Pokemon / pocket MONSTER.
They is the new generation of " jologs " who type in an annoying manner eg. " sticky caps " and changing some letters into characters / number ( A = 4, E = 3, etc. )
They also have their own fashion such as wearing " Jeje Caps " which are caps that have a colorful design at the back and are not really worn appropriately, but only place on top of the Jejemon's head. They are also commonly found wearing oversized T-Shirts and loose and too large Capri pants.
In terms of taking pictures, they also have ' poses ' eg.
- The Peace sign
- The " Starbucks encounter " in which they take pictures of themselves in drinking obviously Starbucks
- Angles like: side view, super side view, over the top and holding fan signs
- The Rock Sign ( \m/ )
- The Upside-down peace sign
The existence of Jejemons also caused the making / existence of Jejebusters.
This also caused TV Shows having many many debates and news about Jejemons. Plus, bands writing songs about them.
They are commonly found in the Philippines.
w0W0w44l0v3r6894 : 30W p0WHzZzZzZ...... 4n0 p0WhzZzZ G4w4 NiY00!?!?!????!!?!?........... üüüüü ( Hello, what are you doing? )
Normal person : Eww, it's a Jejemon. Anyway, what? Can't you like, talk normal!?
w0W0w44l0v3r6894 : CnUU!?!? wH000!?? M3???????........ m4 N0t J3j3m0n P0wWhzZzZzzzzZz...........
Normal person / Jejebuster : * rolls eyes * DIE NOW! GOTTA KILL EM ALL JEJEMONS!
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