A Shmooglebop is a glipnorb cerclaglifail....find out what language this is........cergaugnishail....shleeborgaaaaabibop....from the Gooby Dooby Doobop Province oh Gina
Man I could really use a shmooglebop right about now........except......what if?........what...what if I AM a Shmooglebop????
just slauh....pronounced like slay with an additional moaning sound at the end
Hello brothers' brothers, It'S mE jAmAs ChArLeSs HeRe...I'm JaMeS cHaRlEsS, bUt InStEaD oF bEiNg GaY, I aM....nOt GaY...aNd Am InFaCt AtTrAcTeD tO InAnImAtE oBjEcTs
1. you don't need an example.....I literally just told you what a Jamas Charless is...