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A Shmooglebop is a glipnorb cerclaglifail....find out what language this is........cergaugnishail....shleeborgaaaaabibop....from the Gooby Dooby Doobop Province oh Gina

Man I could really use a shmooglebop right about now........except......what if?........what...what if I AM a Shmooglebop????

by manman7 August 26, 2024


just slauh....pronounced like slay with an additional moaning sound at the end

1. Hey man

by manman7 August 20, 2022

Jamas Charless

Hello brothers' brothers, It'S mE jAmAs ChArLeSs HeRe...I'm JaMeS cHaRlEsS, bUt InStEaD oF bEiNg GaY, I aM....nOt GaY...aNd Am InFaCt AtTrAcTeD tO InAnImAtE oBjEcTs

1. you don't need an example.....I literally just told you what a Jamas Charless is...

by manman7 August 24, 2022