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A break is when your girlfriend thinks a little time off will work out a relationship, which is not true becuase they will forget about you and will most likely end up breaking up with you. so when that happens you cant blame anyone bacuase they planned it that way in the first place. even though you put your best into it and try very hard, it all goes invain becuase they dont have the same feelings for you anymore. they just just dont care about you anymore and will most likely want to stay friends or for you to never talk to them again. just a way they think a breakup can be more easier for them. dont get your hopes up, She's probably talking to a another man right now. so start forgetting about her. no matter how hard you try cant stop the inevitable. your in for a long night if you looked this up. Good Luck

Girl: " I think we need a break to sort things out, i need some time to myself"

Boy: "WHAT?"

by mannyman June 17, 2007

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