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Pulling a House

Doing something similar to that of an action that House would do.

(House, like the TV show starring Hugh Laurie)

Pulling a house usually involves making something that most people would consider miserable into a guessing game, or very simple, like house does in the show. He makes curing people of life-threatening illnesses like a guessing game, attempting to guess waht's wrong with them, and the most accurate way to cure them, not nessicarily causing the least pain. (physical or emotional)

It could also be knowing something that no one else knows, and instead of giving them hints or clues of any sort, you sit back and watch them struggle to come up with an answer. When they give you an answer, you simply smile to yourself because you know that they'll never figure it out, and tell them that they're wrong with the satisfaction of knowing that you're smarter or just better than them in general, much like House did in a recent episode.

However, you may only "pull a House" if you watch te television show "House", becuase if you don't, you can't really understan what "pulling a House" is.

Person that is pulling a House: "I know something you don't know!"

Other people: "What is it?? Give us a hint!"

Person pulling a House: "nope, figure it out yourself."

(I know that isn't a very good example, but its difficult to explain.)

by marylovesmusic21 December 3, 2006

6👍 7👎

goof monster

"Goof monster" is a term set aside for only the lonleyest, dumbest, most annoying, most retarded person you can think of. Everyone has their own "goof monster" in their life. It could be your boss. It could be your cousin. It could be your great aunt Hilda. It doesn't matter. There's ALWAYS one there. You can easily identify a "goof monster" in a group of people, because they will be the one alone, away from the group of people. If you find yourself in a situation where you might consider yourself a "goof monster", please, do everyone a favor, and go die, because NOBODY likes "goof monsters." The term "goof monster" does NOT describe someone who is goofy, but someone who is simply retarded. This world is crawling with "goof monsters", so watch out!

Oh my god, you goof monster!!! Get away from me, you don't have any friends for a reason!

by marylovesmusic21 December 3, 2006

4👍 12👎

goof monster

"Goof monster" is a term set aside for only the lonleyest, dumbest, most annoying, most retarded person you can think of. Everyone has their own "goof monster" in their life. It could be your boss. It could be your cousin. It could be your great aunt Hilda. It doesn't matter. There's ALWAYS one there. You can easily identify a "goof monster" in a group of people, because they will be the one alone, away from the group of people. If you find yourself in a situation where you might consider yourself a "goof monster", please, do everyone a favor, and go die, because NOBODY likes "goof monsters." The term "goof monster" does NOT describe someone who is goofy, but someone who is simply retarded. This world is crawling with "goof monsters", so watch out!

Oh my god, you goof monster!!! Get away from me, you don't have any friends for a reason!

by marylovesmusic21 December 3, 2006

2👍 9👎

Get A Life

A command given to someone that uses their time solely on trivial things so they look cool, but everybody knows that they arent cool.

Most people who are told to "get a life" usually retort with something that only a retard would say, such as "Why don't you?", "I already have one.", or, my personal favorite, "Get a face."

If someone needs to "Get a life", they often are disliked by the majority of their peers. If you are lacking a life, you have no interests, friends, or hobbies. You are exceptionally dull-witted, and having no friends is a result of this.

People with very low self-esteem are told to "get a life" sometimes by people that are fed up with them complaining about either how much their life sucks (when it really doesnt) or how stupid/ugly they are, espacially when they arent stupid/ugly.

If you are ever told to "get a life", you should make sure that you dont ahve the symptoms of not having a life, and then FIX IT! Get some friends, find some hobbies, or just stop being stupid!

*There is no real way to "get a life", so it's really a useless comment, ust to say that you lack
A.) personality
B.) friends
C.) interests
D.) anything else that would make someone appealing, an make other people want to spend time with them

"Get a life, loser!"

by marylovesmusic21 December 3, 2006

64👍 151👎


A house, a.k.a. home, that makes people sick.

Oh my god, I went to this housetard, and I threw up!! It was disgusting

by marylovesmusic21 December 3, 2006

1👍 14👎