A creature like the trees from lord of the rings. it smokes pot and eats "brownies". occasionally, it gorges on berries. it refuses to speak to the yulia gnome, who insistently ululates speech with no meaning towards behind eight ball Ben 10. This creature has a history of oddity, as a lonely niglet roamed the dangerous streets of forest hills, in packs, it searches for the ever disappearing essence of the experience of the get-up-and-go. This creature enjoys the violent love of its wolf pack and adventures in pinocchios. Its hobbies include: stealing from local 7/11 organizations, rain dances, religious studies, pyrotechnics, nymphomaniac activities, and JAZZ. it seems like a misguided youth, however, it is in fact a hilarious entity with a vast vocabulary of useless junk. fights aliens with a wristwatch! Born on the day of the boston massacre, however it survived, but the casualties remain really high, so that it could terrorize the remote streets of forest hills, fighting hasidic kikes and bukhar trash. Dislikes include narcs, big brother, hippy idiots, "ignorance is bliss". Did I mention that it has a mess of hair!
Me: Where did ben 10 run off to?
You: but of course to eat a "brownie" and fight alien cock.
Me: Why is my house on fire?
You: Ben 10 was bored!
Me: It's 12 NIGHT. Do you know where your Ben 10 is?
You: Business.
Me: Where did you obtain your Ben 10?
You: The mail!!!
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