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moon pie

Possibly the most disgusting sex-act ever known to both man and machine.
The act of going to a party of drunkeness, getting someone to pass out from drunkeness (amongst other things), pulling down ones (meaning yours) pants, taking a massive poo on their chest, ejaculating gooey substance on the poo, and lastly, taking another massive poo on the gooey substance of which is atop the mountainous poo-mountain below it.
As soon as this act of nastyness is complete, one (meaning you) would be best to completely dissapear from the party.

Chris (by the urbandictionary.com rules, he's not a real person-don't try to find him, it'd be a waste of time) totally decided to moon pie that chick.
It was so nasty, I couldn't stop vomitting.

by maskedpantsman December 9, 2006

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