right-click, save as. Refers to the "Save As..." contextual menu item that typically appears when right-clicking on an image or link in a web browser. Used often on message boards when instructing other users that simply viewing a link in your browser will not work, or when someone finds a picture/link so funny that they save it locally for easy access.
neo7784: yo chk out this vid I made rcsa
poster1: lol fecking owls (inserts O RLY pic)
poster2: roffles rcsa
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A term added to pad short posts on message boards that enforce a ten-character content minimum.
l33t_h4x: lol you got pwnt
n00b-69: fuxx 10char
404👍 107👎
"In before". Common uses include the popular ibtl, but used as a general preface on internet message boards for more clever or context-specific statements
noob69: OMG check it out gya pr0n!!!1!1
burninator: ibadmins
John_holmes: ibban
noob69: wtf!
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