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an amazing person

you are really cool, i wouldn't rather spend time with anyone else

by max,harris November 12, 2021

70👍 4👎

the most perfect day

a day with you of course, we could go on a walk or even stay home and it would still be perfect because you were there :)

we should go on a date

ohmygod that would be the most perfect day

by max,harris May 3, 2022


halo is a person who makes you happy when you are very sad even if they are sad as well, any message from them could instantly make you feel loved and appreciated, halo is someone i want to spend forever with and you would too if you met them. she is the most perfect person on earth, loving them feels good like peace. when they're sad it's hard to be happy because she will always make you feel better but when you try to make her happy it seems to not work, halo is someone you will never get over if you start to develop feelings but it's okay because you wont want to get over her anyways. they have the best taste in music but the worst taste in people, when something is off between you and halo you get a feeling in your stomach that doesn't hurt it just worries you but as soon as you two start a conversation later in the night you will feel all better. halo is someone to never leave you and when she makes a promise it's kept until the promise can be dropped or the promise is never broken, halo is honest all the time and understands when you get frustrated or upset, it's easy to talk about things just hard to build up the courage. halo is someone you love with all of your heart with a very very genuine type of love that you've never felt before, if you ever feel the love then you wouldn't want it to stop. in conclusion halo is the best, most amazing person you will meet in your entire life and if you have something bad to say about them, it's not true.

"today was amazing, i got to talk to halo all day!!"

by max,harris October 20, 2021

134👍 23👎


something i have very much of, for you !!

i love you

by max,harris April 15, 2022

87👍 6👎

someone better than me

you, obviously

me: do you know someone better than me
you: of course i do, it's me
me: omg so true

by max,harris May 14, 2022