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When you think you have maneuvered yourself into a superior position (just made awesome FB post, or about to play an awesome card hand, etc.), then someone spectacularly supersedes you; usually used as an exclamation.

Oh man, you just got babysat!

by mbk3357 August 20, 2015


ili - short for “I'm laughing inside.” or “I laugh inside”.

Response to a humorous comment used as an alternate for the ubiquitous LOL; thus the lower case and no exclamation point.

LOL! Wait, I didn't really laugh out loud; ili.

by mbk3357 December 29, 2011

7👍 32👎


I cry inside. (antonym to LOL!)

I read the FB post; ici.

by mbk3357 August 25, 2013

7👍 3👎

Whiney MeFirsters

Political pressure groups who bitterly complain when politicians they help elect do not attend to their agenda before all others.

"The Whiney MeFirsters I refer to are the gay people who have viciously trashed Obama for not focusing sufficiently on gay issues in the first year of his presidency."

by mbk3357 February 9, 2010

3👍 2👎