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A person or entity created to control the populous. Look at early history, who really controlled the tribes of primitives? The Shaman or medicine-man thats who. Power or the grab for power is where God(s) came from. Early Greeks used gods to explain away things they did not understand. How else could these religions write in their books of enlightenment. Thou Shalt Not Kill-- Yet god help Sampson slay 10,000 Isrelites with the jawbone of an ass(small cross breed equinie used for transportation)Or slay untold numbers of people in Sodom and Ghamora. Or say turn the other cheek then say VENGENCE is MINE sayeth the Lord. Phhhhhttttt.

For God so loved the world he gave his only begotton son. Yet he won't do a dang thing about people being killed for their shoes, because they happen to live on a different street, or they don't believe in your god. :-0

God thats sick.

by mdizn February 3, 2005

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