crattie pooster as you all know it comes from the movie "pootie tang" and it means "pimp"
I am the biggest crattie pooster in all of the land.
3π 2π
someone who likes to sleep around. combination of the words whore and slut.
see also slore, skank, whore, ho, strumpet, harlot, tramp, lady of the night, prostitute or slut
that whut slept with all the guys on the street.
12π 87π
one who appears to be squeaky clean, but is actually utter filth.
word is uttered with extra 'ph' to give gravitas to how filthy this specimen of human male is.
philth is naturally tiny like a pygmy, as the filthiest things in the world come in small packages
"Look at that bloke coming on to that poor girl. He's just philth."
6π 2π
a fucking cool vibrator type thing that's pretty and has beads . . . ooh, beads . . . damn ann summers for making you be over 18!
i want a rampant rabbit for christmas
28π 16π
Main Entry: boof
Pronunciation: 'bΓΒΌf
Etymology: American. My husband and I made this word up.
1: v. to fall out anywhere - the floor, bed, couch, ground.
2. n. a ghetto way to pronounce "boof".
Main Entry: boof
Pronunciation: 'bΓΒΌf
Etymology: Middle English bothe, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse buth booth; akin to Old English buan to dwell -- more at BOWER
1 : a temporary shelter for livestock or field workers
2 a : a stall or stand (as at a fair) for the sale or exhibition of goods b (1) : a small enclosure affording privacy for one person at a time <a telephone booth> <polling booth> (2) : a small enclosure that isolates its occupant especially from patrons or customers <a ticket booth> (3) : an isolated enclosure used in sound recording or in broadcasting <a radio booth> c : a restaurant seating arrangement consisting of a table between two high-back benches
: A ghetto way of saying "booth.
Boof as a verb - "I was so tired after work, I boofed on the couch!"
Boof as a noun - "Yo, where da nearest fone boof at?"
6π 28π
Heys i'm a janner but i'm not a chav it's like the janner's the accent not the type of person ur gettin us mixed up with swills. Swills r a section of the Janners and swills suck ass , i hate swills so bad innit! Like well offended peeps mite be confusing me with a swill *shocked*
I live in plymouth but not in swilly therefore i aint a chav, i just torks like a faRmer sum'imes ~ hehe
50π 38π
Some one of non-asian decent who is highly confused and believes they were born into the wrong race and are truly asian. They obssess over the people, food, and language.
"Leslie is SO Asian Washed"
73π 15π