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in the same way as foodage, riffage or choonage, its a term for a taxi journey.

'are we getting cabbage into town?'

'i cant be bothered to walk. lets get cabbage.'

(after a good taxi journey) 'that was some serious cabbage!'

by meellaah July 13, 2009

2👍 3👎


Another way of saying indeed, but when one is in a very lighthearted mood.

"Are you OK?"
"Indeedy I am!"

by meellaah January 19, 2004

84👍 13👎


Short way of saying 'it was'.

"Was the gig last night good?"
"Twas wicked!!"

by meellaah January 19, 2004

304👍 132👎


Name of mad grind metal band, yet also an expressive term for astonishment or interest.

Aaah...wurdulak, man!

by meellaah November 20, 2003

4👍 10👎

bitch shnitzel

although shnitzel is a type of food, normally turkey breast fried in a batter, when placed with bitch it is an affectionate term for a lady-friend, preferably not one who's easily offended

'hey there, my little bitch shnitzel'

by meellaah July 13, 2009

2👍 3👎