A Kevin is a gift to this world, a guy who everyone needs in his life. A girl whose with him automatically becomes the luckiest person in the world. Everyone needs a Kevin, the guy who can be all handsome, cute, sexy, hot and adorable. His smile and presence glows up the dark. its so contagious, his laugh, smile and happiness. I love Kevy, because he also smells amazing! I hope everyone finds a Kevin, but again not everyone deserves him. His practically a living teddy bear, his so cuddly, warm and cozy!! He has no flaws, but his stubbornness always has to compete with mine. A Kevin, comes with multiple Kevy's, its like capture the pokemon! A mad Kevy, happy Kevy and sad Kevy are his main ones. Whether its either of these, Kevin always deserves a big hug!
Everyone needs a Kevin.
Look over there! Whose that? Its Kevin, that hot mudafawker.