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Pick Me Girl

An insult aimed at any woman that doesn't mindlessly follow feminist dogma. It can also be used by feminists as a generic insult towards any woman they don't personally like, regardless of the political ideology of the woman being insulted. It is similar to "incel" or "nazi" by which it's meant to undermine any counter made to progressive rhetoric by labelling the critic something negative instead of actually engaging with the argument in good faith.

Ironically, the term "pick me" can be inadvertently sexist, as depending on the context, it implies the only reason a woman would be critical of feminism is for male attention, completely ignoring any other potential personal experiences and philosophies that may influence the woman's opinion.

Eg. 1:
A: "Men are actually statistically more likely to be attacked more often than women when walking alone at night. They're also more likely to be homeless, fall behind in education, and die in workplace related accidents."

B: "Found the pick me girl lol.

Eg. 2:

A: "Personally, I don't support abortion due to my own negative experiences with it and my own religious philosophy."

B: "You're such a pick me!! you only want attention from men!!"

by mel999 April 6, 2023

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