Is the child of Nux Taku and Project Melody.
"He will become the strongest Gentai Protagonist in the world and you know I'm serious because I said the world not Za Warudo." -Nux Taku 2020
Project Taku is defined as the next step of Flexolution and has the potential to become a Memegod.
Is the child of Nux Taku and Project Melody.
"He will become the strongest Hentai Protagonist in the world and you know I'm serious because I said the world not Za Warudo." -Nux Taku 2020
Project Taku is defined as the next step of Flexolution and has the potential to conquer Za Warudo with the power of Memes.
Is the child of Nux Taku and Project Melody.
"He will become the strongest Hentai Protagonist in the world and you know I'm serious because I said the world not Za Warudo." -Nux Taku 2020
Project Taku is defined as the next step of Flexolution who has the potential to become a Memegod.