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I created this word so it would spam your mug and/or neck gaiter and/or t-shirt and make you Big Mad.

"aww, my mug is too long because of the word beasurintintationalitioranilitorablitzandorobnamaldansdwersdelariblyandricklyandrotisitanyrobytuoliblostytitinforobomosilicycanopopondrecandsferplasneyuojanitisition! I am Big Mad!!!"

by mememaster6000 February 9, 2021


A video that is based on Covid-19, or has anything to do/related with Covid.

"Stop watching those Covideos, they are ANNOYING!"
"Codiveos really make my day!"
"Covid songs, Covid memes, and now Covideos!

by mememaster6000 February 27, 2021


Describes someone obsessed with either scrolling through memes, or creating their own memes.

"Teacher, Cole is a procrastinating memoratrician."

by mememaster6000 February 7, 2021


To turn any regular water into swimming pool water. Or, to Be in a pool.

"Hey Rob, can you embastrianate the water? I am not so sure it is suitable for pool day"
"I love to just embastrianate alone"

by mememaster6000 February 3, 2021


The ability to not sense any bad odor (or in some cases, any odor), or to have the ability to smell clean in any situation.

"Wow, I never knew you had odeurperfervidialreciprocality!"
"I am odeurperfervidialreciprocalitial, which means I do not smell anything bad right now."

by mememaster6000 February 7, 2021